Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman

Image result for attack of the 50 ft. woman hannah
Even the poster doesn't make much sense,
considering "little woman" Hannah is 5'10".
Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman
December 11, 1993
Comedy, Sci-Fi

This is in the movie section of my library, although it was actually a TV-movie.  That might explain the listless feel of it, when I expect sharper parody from director Guest (see his acting in Spinal Tap, Best in Show, etc.).  This is of course based on the theatrical film from 1958, and I think such touches as Hannah's '50s car are meant to pay homage, although there are also modernistic elements, like her therapist trying to get her her in touch with her anger.  I tuned out before the title woman grew as a person in any sense, so I can't speak to how good this is as sci-fi, but my guess is that the original probably provides more laughs, if unintentionally.


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