The A-Team: Diamonds 'n Dust

Image result for The A-Team: Diamonds 'n DustThe A-Team: Diamonds 'n Dust
September 20, 1983

So, yeah, I would've been watching AfterMASH and Happy Days.  I was obviously aware at the time of the popularity of this show, and of Mr. T, and although today I personally didn't find the explosions and wisecracks entertaining (just one example, what does the threat to make someone into a fruit salad even mean?), I can see how this would've been a hit, especially in the '80s.  However, this was actually worse than I expected and I'll list five things keeping this from a C or C-, because they really stand out:

  • What's up with them always having to tranquilize Mr. T to fly in a plane?  I guess it's supposed to be funny, that a big tough guy like him is afraid of heights, but I just found the way it was handled to be disturbing and borderline racist.
  • Why does Face hit on the grieving daughter days after her father is murdered?  Not only is it callous, but how the heck would they have an interlude with all his buddies around all the time?
  • What's up with the bogus accents, British/Australian/"colonial"?
  • Why is Murdock so frigging annoying?
  • What is the purpose of Amy?  She hardly speaks or does anything.  She can't even competently tranquilize Mr. T!


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