Ace of Cakes: Wedding Cakes and Headaches

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More exciting than watching paint dry!
Ace of Cakes: Wedding Cakes and Headaches
Food Network
November 7, 2006
Reality TV

A group of hipsters make overpriced cakes.  No, seriously, one client can't come up with the $3000 for a Spider-man cake.  Instead, despite the title, the cakes made are Aubrey Beardsley, a hat, and an exploding cake for Chef Duff's father.  I'd much rather read the Cake Wrecks blog if I want to speculate on the thoughts that go into making cakes, but this was more entertaining than 3rd Rock from the Sun and The Colgate Comedy Hour.  Note that I also gave a C (on my previous blog) to the episode that was a 30 Rock extra, and this appears to be the second episode aired, but it's the first one on this DVD set.


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