Noodle and Doodle: Bake Sale

Image result for noodle and doodle bake sale
But.  Where.  Will.  We.  Put.  The.  Money.  We.  Collect?
Noodle and Doodle: Bake Sale
October 8, 2010
Cooking, Children's

While Adventure Time, which at its best had more adult appeal and often so much story in ten or eleven minutes that it was almost bursting at the seams, this kids' show seems to struggle to fill its short run time, padding with things like a dog (named I believe Doggity) dreaming that he's a cartoon chef.  And if the point of this series is to teach children that they can cook and make crafts, it would probably be better if the cue-card-reading moppets got to participate more.  Noodle incidentally is a puppet with noodle hair, while Doodle is a tablet that likes the host's tortured puns.  (If you're curious why this was in the A's, the DVD is called All Aboard with Noodle and Doodle.)


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