Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Car Salesman

Image result for Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Car SalesmanCurb Your Enthusiasm: The Car Salesman
September 23, 2001

This second-season opener coincidentally aired within a few days of the CSI second-season opener.  It's another long-running series (recently revived) that I'd heard of but never was that interested in.  Since it's a sitcom, I enjoyed it more than CSI, although it does have the problem of Buffalo Bill that the main character, a fictionalized version of Larry David, is unappealing.  I do appreciate that, unlike on the Dabney Coleman series, the supporting cast does push back against the anti-hero, literally in the case of guest star Richard Lewis.  I just didn't find any of this funny, and boy, talk about your First World problems!  Larry wants to sell cars rather than move into the perfect beachside house, or resume writing for television.  Then again, if this is a sample of his writing (and, no, I wasn't a Seinfeld fan), maybe that's an understandable decision.

Robert B. Weide directed this and 27 other episodes.


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