56 Up

Image result for 56 up56 Up
14 May 2012

The biggest twists here are that Peter's back (to promote his band) and Nick and Suzy have developed an email friendship.  Otherwise, there aren't any big changes compared to 49.  Oh, the second generation is growing up and there are more grandkids, but most people are married to the same partners as before (or in Sue's case actually engaged, which she apparently still is in 63), although it's not much of a shock that Neil is still single.  Jobs have shifted but nothing too dramatic.  Apted does call Tony sort of racist, but Tony gets less angry about it than Jackie did in 49 about something Apted said back in 21.  More of the participants seem to be questioning Apted's assumptions, a sign that the 15-year age difference matters little at this point.

I "spoiled" myself after watching this, curious to see what happens in 63.  The most significant thing is that Lynn died a year after this installment.  So maybe this is a good stopping point for now.  I don't think the series is as amazing as most people do, but I'd still recommend it.  And I must note that I'm glad they kept that jazzy but ominous music for the opening and closing credits all this time.


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