Milestone #3

Image result for milestoneIt still seems to take me about two months to review one hundred shows.  Here are the increases by decade from the first hundred:  The 1950s are still stalled at 10 shows, while the '60s finally reached 10 and the '70s nudged up to 11.  The '80s, however, thanks particularly to The Cosby Show, tripled from 22 to 65.  The '90s increased more modestly, from 44 to 53.  The '00s continue to average about 20% of the total, now at 64.  And the '10s went from 66 to 86.

Cosby also made a difference in the leading network; now NBC has 71 shows reviewed.  With all the British programmes, ITV and the BBC are still contributing quite a lot, 41 and 34 respectively.  CBS and surprisingly ABC are doing better than they were, with 18 and 25 each, but that still puts them behind the Cartoon Network's 30.  (So Adventure Time remains one of the important parts of this project.)

The lowest grades are still unchanged: one F, still no F+, and one D-.  The Ds went from 5 to 6, the D+s from 6 to 16.  The C-s increased from 26 to 35, the Cs from 25 to 41, and the C+s from 46 to 65.  The B-s changed from 42 to 73, the Bs from 33 to 46.  There were no new B+s or A-s, so those still stand at 14 and two.

At this point in the project, I assume that I won't like a series until proven otherwise, as with Day Break and Downton Abbey.  I definitely don't feel like spending even half an hour with most shows.  But it's free and all I'm spending is time.


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