Hamish Macbeth: A Bit of an Epic

Image result for Hamish Macbeth: A Bit of an EpicHamish Macbeth: A Bit of an Epic
30 April 1995
Crime Drama

Julian Spilsbury wrote this Series-One-closer (his only Hamish script, and the only episode directed by Sid Roberson) that, except for an annoying piece of dramatic music that is much over-used, is the best of the first batch of episodes.  This time the mountain-climbing is riskier, especially with an insane man leading a work group on a team-building exercise.  The triangle of Alex-Hamish-Isobel comes to a climax, with Isobel confessing her love but Alex proposing when the party returns, and things end on a cliffhanger.  And there's Laddy, Jr. providing comic relief as he tries to learn Spanish.

Series One ranges from C+ to B and averages out to a B-.  It's not a great show but it certainly has potential.  My library doesn't own the other two series, so I can't at this time confirm my memory that the show got better as it went along, but I will spoil things by saying that I was happy that Hamish chose Isobel, nothing against Alex.

This is the 100th show for this project from the '90s, not trailing too far behind the '00s now, and well ahead of earlier decades.


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