The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Episode 1.6

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Episode 1.6
Image result for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Episode 1.6BBC Two
9 February 1981
Comedy, Sci-Fi

This is sort of a comeback, bringing the focus back to Arthur and Ford, the two best characters, and taking them to prehistoric Earth.  Unfortunately, it's marred by some bad acting, particularly Beth Porter as "Marketing Girl."  Note, there's a title-drop for the final book, Mostly Harmless.

This series ranges from C- to B-, averaging out to a C+.  It has potential, but I just never found it as funny and thought-provoking as the cult would have you believe.  Oh, and it looks like the radio show came first, and then the book, but I'm still leaving the "based on a book" tag.


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