Riverdale: Chapter Six: Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!

Image result for Riverdale: Chapter Six: Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!Riverdale: Chapter Six: Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!
The CW
March 2, 2017
Soap Opera

This is the first of five episodes written by Tessa Leigh Williams but the only one written by Nicolaas Zwart.  The title refers to the band-member-swapping going on leading up to the talent show, but the episode is of course more notable for the appearance of Betty's sister, Polly (Tiera Skovbye), who turns out to be pregnant and who provides more clues to his murder, and for all the kissing going on.  Fred Andrews and Hermione Lodge, who dated back in high school and who have been flirting despite being separated from their spouses, share a kiss, which Veronica witnesses through a window.  (I half expect an episode to be called "Rear Window," because there are a lot of visual callbacks to it, along with other mystery/noir touches.)  After Val quits and then rejoins the Pussycats, she and Archie, who have been collaborating, kiss.  And, yes, the "Bughead" ship is launched, one of the things I was spoiled about, although I could kind of see it anyway, if you get past the whole canonically asexual Jughead thing.  In the comics, Betty honestly was the only girl Jughead really connected with, I mean on a regular basis, not counting whatever one-shots and passings-through there were.  Presumably all three relationships will have consequences, although, damn, Archie needs to slow down!  It's not that long ago that Miss Grundy left town after Mrs. Cooper threatened to go to the police about that affair.

Variety Show Attendee Sheila Atienza would later be an Alumna.  Steven A. Adelson would direct another episode.


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