Riverdale: Chapter Three: Body Double

Riverdale: Chapter Three: Body Double
The CW
February 9, 2017
Soap Opera

While Jason's murder is of course the big continuing thread, this episode involves slut-shaming combined with a sort of Spur Posse thing, then "B & V" taking revenge. And the adults get a little more to work with, in scenes with each other as well as their kids, although the show remains very teen-centric, and as far as I know mostly about the sophomores.

Adain Bradley makes his first of two appearances as Valerie's brother, Trev Brown.  Major Curda plays the recast but still Asian-American Dilton Doiley.  In keeping with the name-check casting, Ethel Muggs (Shannon Purser) is chubby and a little tall rather than lanky, and she's shy and virginal, rather than Jughead-obsessed.  Yolonda Lawrence would write two more episodes.

This is the 200th B- on this blog, not quite one-quarter of the entries.  I suspect this series will stay at this level, with maybe a little C+ or B fluctuation, but I'm used to being proven wrong.

Image result for Riverdale: Chapter Three: Body Double
Girl power?  Hm, maybe.


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