Shetland: Episode 3.6

Image result for Shetland: Episode 3.6Shetland: Episode 3.6
4 March 2016
Crime Drama

This series-closer, with David Kane (who wrote fourteen other episodes) assisting Chiappe & Murphy, is a bit of a recovery, although I still found Leanne's confession contrived.  Also, I was disappointed in Tosh's decisions to not take her case to court and to ask for a transfer, but maybe if I'd seen the first two series, I'd understand her character better.  (Jimmy's is pretty clear in contrast, but I would like to see more of Sandy.)  As for this series, it ranges from C- to B and averages out to a C+, which is obviously a letdown from my initial hopes but still places this as one of the better shows in this project.


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