Suits: Dog Fight

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Suits: Dog Fight
USA Network
September 8, 2011

Aaron Korsh wrote this season-closer that's as strong as the pilot, bringing things full circle but also setting up the next season.  (Sadly, my library at this point doesn't own more seasons.)  There are lots of callbacks, and movie references, including some Rachel doesn't get, which makes her seem much less Mike's soulmate than Harvey is.  Of course, Jenny doesn't seem too hip either.  And when Trevor finds out that Mike and Jenny are secretly involved, he reveals Mike's fraud to Jessica, who's Mike's grandboss.  Meanwhile, Harvey redeems himself by reopening a case that he was beating himself up about last episode.  Donna still rocks the house, especially in scenes with Louis and Rachel.  And overall, there's a lot to enjoy and think about.

Robert Verlaque would return twice as Judge Gus Benjamin, while Chi McBride would be back once as Terrence Wolf.

Suits in its first season ranges from C+ to B+s like this, averaging out to a B.  It's the best series I've watched in a very long time, not perfect but a lot of fun.  And at some point, I'll watch Season Two and find out what happens next.  Unless I'm spoiled in the meantime.  (I laughed when Mike said Rachel was out of his league, since the writers couldn't have known about the future duchess.)


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