Frenchman's Creek

Image result for Frenchman's CreekFrenchman's Creek
April 25, 1999
Historical Drama

Although I've never read the Daphne Du Maurier novel (unlike Rebecca, which I've read multiple times), I found the first quarter hour of this TV-movie laughable.  One section of dialogue goes roughly like this--
HEROINE: But you're a Catholic, too.
ROGUE: (flirtatiously) I forgot.  Care to hear my confession?

It's set in 1688 and I guess pirates show up later.  I would've gone with a D or lower, but you know, Cornish scenery and some nice costumes.  Ferdinand Fairfax directed and had already had done several Jeeves & Woosters, reviewed on my previous blog.  I'm not clear on who originally aired this, but the DVD the library has includes a Russell Baker Masterpiece Theatre introduction (which I didn't count as part of the content or time).


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