The Flash: The Trap

Image result for The Flash: The TrapThe Flash: The Trap
The CW
April 28, 2015
Action, Sci-Fi

This Ekmeier & Schapker story is one of the best-- funny, gripping, and clever.  I did have a hunch that the title was in itself a trap, that Wells was letting Barry and company think they were trapping Wells, while he was plotting his escape.  But it was fun to see how it played out, wondering even what Gideon the hologram was up to.  She's more three-dimensional than Iris & Eddie, whose tedious romance at least leads to some comic relief as well as Eddie being kidnapped by The Man in Yellow AKA his descendant Eobard Thawne AKA Dr. Wells, in what is arguably one of the most awkward marriage proposal scenes ever, and yes, I mean even before the kidnapping.

Steve Shill would direct one more episode.


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