The Flash: All Star Team Up

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For some definitions of "star"
The Flash: All Star Team Up
The CW
April 14, 2015
Action, Sci-Fi

When I saw the title of this Godfree & Wu story, I was afraid it would mean the Arrow would show up, but luckily it's just Felicity and her new boyfriend Ray Palmer AKA the Atom (Brandon Routh, who'd do only one more Flash but obviously made multiple appearances on Arrow and would star in Legends of Tomorrow starting in '16).  The episode still feels like filler, with yet more of Barry's doubts about Dr. Wells and the Barry/Iris/Eddie (but no longer whatshername, Barry's ex, Laura?  Linda?) triangle and a forgettable villainess. I LOLed when poor Cisco said, "Why did it have to be bees?" because it sounded like a line out of the campy 1978 movie The Swarm.  The plot inches forward, with Barry telling his doubts to a shocked Caitlin and a far from shocked Cisco, who's been having nightmares about when he was killed in one timeline.  But this is in like five minutes and doesn't merit an episode in itself.  The title of the next episode is more promising, "Who Is Harrison Wells?"

Kevin Tancharoen would direct one more Flash.


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