The Flash: Tricksters

Image result for The Flash: TrickstersThe Flash: Tricksters
The CW
March 31, 2015
Action, Sci-Fi

Co-creator Andrew Kreisberg soloed on this story, which is easily the best of the season (so far).  The title is plural, because there are two villains known as the Trickster.  One is Axel Walker (Devon Graye, who wouldn't return in the role until this year), while the other is James Jesse, played by the legendary Mark Hamill, who made me laugh long and hard for his delivery of the "I'm your father!" line.

And arguably, there is a third trickster, Dr. Wells, who even Barry now distrusts.  In this jam-packed episode, we get a big chunk of backstory for Harrison, not just the tragic death of his fiance, but his own death, by Eobard Thawne (Matt Letscher, who'd be back four more times), who takes over his body.  I'm still sorting out who knows what, especially with the time travel, and Barry reveals his identity to his father (who had co-starred with Hamill on the '90s Flash, and there are shots of Hamill as the Trickster "rockin' a unitard" as Cisco puts it), and to Eddie, who is "distantly related to" Eobard, as we learned a few episodes ago.  I had to LOL when Eddie, at the request of Joe and Barry, tells Iris an implausible story about her missing coworker (killed by Wells recently) and then Joe asks if she bought it.  Iris remains clueless, which makes her choice of a career in journalism a big stretch.  Still, overall, this is a funny, moving, fast-paced, intricate episode and I'm very curious to see what happens next.

Vito D'Ambrosio would return as Mayor Anthony Bellows, who presumably got reelected despite the Tricksters crashing his fundraising party.


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