Lilies: The Thunderbolt

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Lilies: The Thunderbolt
19 January 2007
Historical Drama

When Iris Moss, the self-sacrificing firstborn, is swept up in a whirlwind romance with a magician, Ruby and Dadda don't want the family to be broken up, although they both come around.  However, it's not until her wedding night that Iris finds out the severity and nature of her groom's injury from the War, and it's clear that her dreams of marriage and motherhood can't come true.  I was leaning towards a B, partly because I understand the accents better now, but there is some content that's hard to watch, from the groom's stomach wounds (the lower injury is just suggested) to the rabbit corpses he sends her when she tearfully returns to her family.

Rose Farley would return once as Margaret McBride.


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