Milestone #6

Related imageMilestone #6

I was only at the G's when I hit 500 shows, but the last few letters have for the most part not been impressive in quality or quantity.  At least there's still no F- or F+ and just that one F.  However, the D-s more than doubled, from three to seven, and the Ds doubled from eight to sixteen.  Thankfully, the D+s were less dramatic, rising from 27 to 34.  C-s increased from 56 to 76, Cs from 71 to 89, C+s from 105 to 124.  The B-s rose from 123 to 138, but Bs only from 73 to 81.  B+s are frozen for the moment at 26, A-s at 5.

As for the decade breakdown, the '50s went from 14 to 21, pretty impressive at this point in the project.  The '60s just managed to stay ahead of that, going from 19 to 23.  The '70s fell further behind, only managing to increase from 11 to 14.  The '80s are still well ahead of earlier decades, now with 84 rather than 73.  The '90s did pass 100, going from 95 to 109.  The '00s rose from 106 to 121, yes, still maintaining their roughly one-fifth of the total average.  And the dominant '10s went from 180 to 226.

Of the former Big Three, NBC maintained its lead, although only going from 80 to 82 shows.  The BBC (both One and Two) had 87 shows, and ITV 97.

I suppose I could be discouraged at this point in the project, but I'm actually looking forward to some M shows, and for now The Legend of Korra is the best show I've seen in awhile.  I don't know if I'm at the midpoint, but after almost a year at this, I don't feel like this blog will drag on for years in any case.


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