Everybody Loves Raymond: Your Place or Mine?

Image result for Everybody Loves Raymond: Your Place or Mine?Everybody Loves Raymond: Your Place or Mine?
October 28, 1996

This first of fifteen ELR stories by Jeremy Stevens has Marie "leaving Frank" by going across the street, which temporarily drives Debra away, to hang out with the more easy-going Frank.  This is as good a place as any to mention that I find the sex roles on this series very '90s retro, that is we're told "That's how men are" or "That's how women are," but we all just need to understand and respect those differences, except in the case of Frank and Marie, where "it works for them."  It's not toxic but it does feel stale, especially in the era of, for instance, Ellen and Roseanne.

Veteran TV director (most notably Mork & Mindy) Howard Storm did only two other ELR episodes.


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