The Colgate Comedy Hour: Episode 3.1

Image result for The Colgate Comedy Hour rosemary clooney
Jerry does be-bop.
The Colgate Comedy Hour: Episode 3.1
September 21, 1952

Yes, I'd put this on a level with the Abbott & Costello episode from earlier that year.*  It's more interesting than funny or entertaining per se, from the faces in front of the camera to those behind the scenes.  (See the tags.)  Note that Danny Arnold, probably most famous for Barney Miller,  appears as a comedian rather than as a writer.  Lear and Yorkin would of course go on to All in the Family.  And yet, the best sketch here is the one where Martin & Lewis keep breaking character and forgetting their lines.

*My library alphabetizes that collection under A for "Abbott" while this is under C for "Colgate."


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