The Cosby Show: Father's Day
The Cosby Show: Father's Day
December 20, 1984
It's two weeks before Christmas, so of course Cliff guilt-trips the kids about their Father's Day presents. (And remember Rudy is only 5!) I would've gone with a C but, one, it was nice to see the Miami tie mentioned on a previous episode, and two, Cliff comes across as relatively feminist when talking to a young husband who wants his wife (yes, he uses the following phrase) barefoot and pregnant. This is the first of eight Cosby scripts by Elliot Shoenman, here collaborating with John Marcus. And, yes, Saleswoman Doris Belack was awesome as Rita in Tootsie a couple years before this.
December 20, 1984
It's two weeks before Christmas, so of course Cliff guilt-trips the kids about their Father's Day presents. (And remember Rudy is only 5!) I would've gone with a C but, one, it was nice to see the Miami tie mentioned on a previous episode, and two, Cliff comes across as relatively feminist when talking to a young husband who wants his wife (yes, he uses the following phrase) barefoot and pregnant. This is the first of eight Cosby scripts by Elliot Shoenman, here collaborating with John Marcus. And, yes, Saleswoman Doris Belack was awesome as Rita in Tootsie a couple years before this.
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