The Cosby Show: The Shower

Image result for The Cosby Show: The ShowerThe Cosby Show: The Shower
February 26, 1987

This Matt Williams story is even more muddled than the previous one.  Denise throws a wedding shower for her friend, who it turns out deliberately got pregnant so that her father would give permission for her to get married, even though he's not thrilled about it, especially because she and the fiance are 18, in college, and unemployed!  Denise confides in Clair, who's of course judgmental.  Now, part of me agrees that the engaged couple are selfish, but not so much towards her parents, who they're going to "temporarily" move in with (not totally unlike Sondra and Elvin next season, if I recall correctly), as towards the baby, who's being brought into the world before they're ready for it.  Meanwhile, poor Vanessa agrees to take Rudy and Kenny (Deon Richmond) skating if they agree to stop arguing, so of course they argue (offscreen) the whole time.  And Theo, one, tells Cliff that he (Cliff) is hen-pecked, two, says he (Theo) plans to live it up until settling down to marry at 24, three, helps his father try to put together shelves (when Clair has stolen the instructions that are in English) but would rather be at the shower hitting on the college girls, and four, tries to convince his dad to buy him a sports car.  Still, I liked Lisa Bonet in this and would've gone with a C+ if the acting of her friends weren't so sub-par.

Susan Diol would return as Cheryl the next year.


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