Futurama: Bend Her

Image result for futurama bend herFuturama: Bend Her
July 20, 2003
Sci-Fi, Comedy, Cartoon

This Michael Rowe story (his first of seven), from season five, is the worst Futurama episode I've reviewed, and that it's not worse than it could be is due to the presence of Calculon and the soapy wedding.  Bender fails to enter the Olympics as a male robot so he dresses in drag, wins five gold medals, and then, when there's a "gender check," he has the professor perform a sex change!  He turns into a very unpleasant fembot, to the disgust of various characters for different reasons.  Then he (re)meets Calculon, who falls for him, um, her.  Note that the timeline makes no sense, but maybe it's not meant to.


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