Girls: Pilot

Image result for Girls: Pilot scolari
"When I first moved to New York, I had a great apartment,. 
And a full-time job.  And Tom Hanks for a roommate."
Girls: Pilot
April 15, 2012

Lena Dunham wrote, directed, and stars in this vehicle, so why did she make her character and all the others so unpleasant?  Adam Driver and Peter Scolari deserve better than this.  (Driver has joyless sex with her; Scolari is her indulgent dad.)  The first half of the episode was decent and almost funny, before it turned to crap.  And speaking of crap, why are there so many conversations in bathrooms?  It's not for the privacy, since the too-nice boyfriend keeps barging in.  Yeah, that's what passes for too nice in this show.  I'd rather watch Flight of the Conchords if I have to see a cable show about self-absorbed people scraping by in New York; at least they could sing!  Lena's character has been supported by her parents for two years after she left college, and all she has to show for it is a "book" that looks like it's six pages, and only if she typed on both sides.

I was going to give this a D+ but now I've argued myself into a D.  I'll stop here.


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